Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We started!

Dr. Baldomero Lago

Today, we initiated a great adventure!  A dream has finally come to be a reality and Dr. Ana Martín Cuadrado from the UNED, Madrid, Spain and Dr. Baldomero Lago from the UVU have been able to break the ice and established the path for future videoconferences to come.

Dr. Ana Martín Cuadrado

During the presentation, both presenters have introduced the objectives of the project, who is involved in the project, the themes to be presented, the calendar of videoconferences, requirements, expectations, publications and many other great components of this project.

The proceedings were translated from Spanish to English for those in attendance at the Utah Valley University Library and those that would like to follow the videoconference may access it through the following channels.

Here you can see it again:

Our next presenter will be hosted by UVU and will be Professor Glen Clark from the School of Education, an expert in classroom management with more than 30 years of experience in the educational field.


  1. El proyecto será de interés.
    Mis agradecimientos a los técnicos de INTECCA Y TELEUNED, pues están colaborando con us apoyo y orientación a que este trabajo salga adelante

  2. El proyecto es muy interesante y es un placer poder colaborar en él.
    The project is very interesting and it's a pleasure to participate in it.
