Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Classroom Managment by Prof. Glen Clark

Professor Glen Clark
Todays videoconference was presented by Professor Glen Clark, a leader in education administration and an expert in classroom management.  With 30 plus years of experience in both settings, secondary and higher education, Prof. Clark was able to share with all of us his personal experiences and core beliefs that have lead his teaching and administration to a very successful career.  

Prof. Clark & Prof. Lago
Through his presentation, Profesor Clark was able to address the main causes of classroom misbehavior, disruption, apathy among students, classroom safety and new trends in technology.  He shared with those in attendance a contrast comparison between classroom management vs discipline. 

Euromime Students in Madrid
Through his outstanding presentation Prof. Clark provided the response to some basic questions generated by many novice as well as experienced educators, questions such as: "What do I believe is important in classroom management and disciplining a student?" What is the purpose of disciplining a student?" "What is the final objective in instructional deliverance?" 

UVU Classroom
Professor Clark´s professional experience allows current and prospective educators to sense and assess some of the basic tools needed for a positive classroom experience.  We thank Glen Clark for his contribution to this project and encourage everyone to listen to his presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Me parece una idea muy interesante este proyecto colaborativo.
    Creo que sería bueno el que las videoconferencias se pudieran ver además de en la UNED, en éste blog, ya que facilitaría mucho las cosas a los participantes.

    Un saludo désde Córdoba - España
